Home Moving Checklist

Posted on Mar 30 , 2020

Call our call centre 1 (587) 400-8040 as soon as you know you are moving – better to book that date in earlier so you can worry about the other million things you will need to do for the move.

You will need boxes and packing supplies however if you are feeling green, we have a great alternative for you. REASUABLE box services here.

Once that is all done and dusted, it’s now time to start working on the house to prepare for the big day.

  1. Clean out your attic, closets and that giant storage room aka the garage. 
  2. If you find you have a lot of stuff you may want to donate, sell or give away anything you don’t think you will need for your next home. Remember ‘Does it spark joy?”
  3. Address, address adress. Go to your local post office and forward your mail starting a few days before your move date. In the meantime open your mail before your move and make sure you notify the companies that send you mail regularly of your new address. 
  4. Got kids? You will want to notify their school of the move.
  5. When you are packing your stuff away, remember you will need some things on hand until the very last minute, make sure you put those in a corner (they could include snacks, cleaning supplies for the old home, moving clothes, toiletries etc. 
  6. LABELLING IS KING. Label those boxes, organize them by room (bathroom, kitchen, living room, tv room, master bedroom etc.) so that when they get loaded in our trusted Small Moves Truck our movers can easily put them in their respective rooms in your brand new home. 
  7. Utility accounts need to be disconnected or moved. Make sure the new services will be active by the time you move into your new home. You don’t want to be double paying. 
  8. Your time is money. When your cleaning person comes for the final clean, leave your new address for them or send them a text! If you like to get your hands dirty, this is your time to clean that oven, stove, fridge and microwave you have been putting off.
  9. Kiss your neighbours goodbye!
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